
Here, you will find a treasure trove of insights, updates, and behind-the-scenes glimpses into Tyler’s creative process and read about the latest news regarding his body of work.

Tyler J. Welch Tyler J. Welch

Cover Tease…

Another month has gone and passed, as have more final steps on the road to End Realm’s publication. I was able to crush through my editor’s notes and some final changes in a single hard worked and focused weekend. A much-needed break was taken after—which involved spending time. . . .

Another month has gone and passed, as have more final steps on the road to End Realm’s publication. I was able to crush through my editor’s notes and some final changes in a single hard worked and focused weekend. A much-needed break was taken after—which involved spending time outdoors, getting lost in the world and hearing the season’s migratory birds for the first time this year. Copyright and other behind the scenes (mundane/boring) steps were concluded as well.

            For those that missed the news via my IG, a teaser of the upcoming cover reveal has dropped. A full cover reveal and more news to follow.

            This all leads to the close of one thing and the start of another. My excitement is peaking now as I near beginning work on the next novel. Within the week I will be finishing some smaller writing projects and then delving into the new world ahead . . . which I believe will end up being a tremendously atmospheric and world-bending story that I cannot wait to play in. I already am getting anxious to come to its final pages and see what they will bring. Itching to see what characters, emotions, and horrors I will find grows within the space. My most recent read has been Adam Nevill’s All the Fiends of Hell. An incredible work of literary horror that I found inspiring in many ways. I think I would find it difficult to not let such an inspiring piece bleed on into my next novel, and so I have decided to not even try. All the Fiends of Hell has heavily influenced my thought processes of late, not something I am upset by.

            I watched some films this past month that I quite enjoyed. The Descent (Neil Marshall) is “Old” by now but I had yet to see it. The film was not within my personal taste for horror but I feel it excelled at what it set out to be—an over the top gore fest creature feature with an overt 80’s horror vibe, but took full advantage of modern film technology. For those horror fans out there that love 80’s genre and blood by the tanker load, I cannot suggest this one enough.

            Another I watched was 30 Days of Night (David Slade). Which was a rewatch for me, though it still felt fresh as it’s been roughly 14 years since I had last (and originally) seen it. I had some issues with pieces of dialogue and character pacing but the vamps are so damn great that it was easily looked past. No sparkling-skinned high school drama or love triangles in this one, a great relief. This film makes me wish there was more of this trope in media with such a serious and unforgiving nature. I’ll add here that another epic vamp film in my opinion is Dracula Untold (Gary Shore). Harnessing stunning effects and a brutal emotionally gripping story, making for easily one of my all-time favorite vamp movies.

            It’s not horror, but I’m excited for the second part of Rebel Moon on Netflix. The first was a tad melodramatic for me—dialogue wise—but this is an opinion I more often than not have with today’s film industry. Over dramatic lines and witty one-liners must be all the rage, but for me, such dialogue always stands out and takes me out of the world. I find it incredibly distracting. The planets, moons, ships, tech, ect. . . I really enjoyed though! Looking forward to the watch! And I’ll let you all know what I thought of it next month.

            That’s enough rambling from me. Catch you all in May. Spring is here, make sure to get outside and enjoy it.
And as always- Live while you can. Dream while awake.


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Tyler J. Welch Tyler J. Welch

End Realm Updates & More

Hello fellow dark ones and those of the night. Exciting things are happening here in the abyss, I am within weeks of receiving End Realm back from my editor, and I have kept busy in the meantime with a novelette (possibly novella) I am currently calling. . . .

Hello fellow dark ones and those of the night. Exciting things are happening here in the abyss, I am within weeks of receiving End Realm back from my editor, and I have kept busy in the meantime with a novelette (possibly novella) I am currently calling Skybreaker. Which has been an incredible amount of fun. The end of this project is within sight and as excited as I am to get it finished and polished . . . sadness will find me when it’s time to leave the world and its characters behind as I pursuit the many other (endless) ideas rattling around in my skull which I must explore.

Things to look forward to in the coming months are: the cover reveal for End Realm this summer, my short story in Escape—an Inky Bones Press publication, and then End Realms release this fall, possibly on . . . Halloween? A small Midwest book tour with follow, I’m excited to see those of you who will make the trip come and chat with me and get a signed copy for your shelves. I look forward to talking and getting to know you all more!

And schedule and time dependent, there may be other events and published works as well this year. We will have to see how much I can accomplish while still feeding my passion for the outdoors, photography, and family.


Live while you can, dream while awake.

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